I have been surrounded by these beautiful artworks for over 20 years. Having been there through the good and bad, I know the sweat, tears and joy that have gone into these incredible works of art.  They are one offs, only one buyer can have each piece, which is why I wanted to be able to share my enjoyment of them with a wider audience........you...

We live in a beautiful part of the world, I have a large garden, not always quite as perfect as I would like to picture it in my mind.... but nevertheless,  the inspiration we find in the native wildlife, birds and insects is evident in James' art works.  His passion for cars (really anything with wheels...) and racing them has been a lifelong commitment, his instinctive knowledge of how to put them together to look "just right" is a true gift and is evidence of his innate love of anything automotive.  Dogs..... well, dogs are just an absolute endless supply of difference really - different physically, different personalities, different little quirks....they make the most delightful subjects, and are some of his most beautiful pieces.....I don't get to keep many of his pieces, but one I insisted on was Al..... he sits in my living room and I acknowledge him every day....!!

My interest in interior design, art, architecture, and all things beautiful has helped me to be truly in awe of these magnificent works of art,  and to be able to share them with you is a real treat.

I know you will love them in your home as much as I do.
